Sunday, November 27, 2011

    - a consumer market distribution channel 
    - an organization (retailer) buys products from
      firms and sells them directly to consumers
    - a retailer is a reseller in the marketing channel
            over 1,100,000 retailers in the U.S.

Retail Industry
    - second largest industry in the U.S.
           12 % of U.S. employment
           $ 4.2T in annual sales
    - 90% of retail stores are single-store businesses
       but account for less than half of retail sales
    - majority of revenue generated by companies 
      that run retail chains
    - biggest retailer in the world is Walmart 
      $344B in revenue last year
             operates a chain of discount wholesale 
             stores emphasizing low prices

 Retail Sales and the Economy
    - important *economic indicator, gives glimpse 
      into  U.S. Gross Domestic Product number
      ( which indicates how fast economy is
      growing or shrinking)
          *consumer spending makes up about 70% of      

Retailer Benefits to Customers and Suppliers

    Customers - ability to purchase small quantities
                        of wide assortment of products at
                        reasonable prices
    Suppliers - opportunities to reach target market
                       with right products at the right time,
                       build demand, provide customer 

Key Issues for Retailers

    Customer Satisfaction - develop strategies that 
             bring the customers back
    Acquire the Right Products - identify what 
             customer want, negotiate with 
             suppliers to obtain products on time
    Product Cycle - new innovated products
             released with high prices to maximize
             profits early on ( flat panel HDTV, 
             updated iPads) - has created highly 
             competitive situation among retailers        
    Product Presentation - present products to 
             customers in a way to generate interest
    Traffic Building - use promotional methods to
             build interest 
                                a. people visiting the store
                                b. visits to the website
    Layout - store physical layout important in 
             creating a retail "experience" that will
             attract customers
             Online "layout" where site navigation
             and usability could make difference in
             site success
    Location - well placed stores, high visibility,          
             easy access can generate more traffic
             and be highly valuable
             must project appealing image to attract
             must understand the trade-off between 
             cost and benefits of a location
             neighborhood, community, regional
             shopping centers
            identifying unserved or underserved 
            market segment - serve it with strategy to
            distinguish from other retailers in mind
            of consumer 
    Keeping Pace with Technology - technology has
             changed all areas of retailing:  
                  - customer knowledge
                  - product movement
                  - point of purchase
                  - web technologies

            - internet allows consumers to shop and 
              purchase online 
            - now traditional retailers sell products on
              their own website
            - currently represents 3% of total retail 
              industry revenue - growth is steady
            - more widespread use expected as more     
              internet-savvy customers enter the market

    Target Markets Served by Retailers
            Mass Market
            Specialty Market
            Exclusive Market

    Pricing Strategy
            Discount Pricing
            Competitive Pricing
            Full Price Pricing
                ( name the target market associated with
                  the pricing strategies above )

    Promotional Focus
                 traditional media
                 internet for retailers selling online
            Direct Mail
                 catalog retailers
                 small local companies
            Personal Selling
                 expensive, high end products

    Major Types of Retail Stores

        Two General Categories 
               1. General Merchandise Retailers
               2. Specialty Retailers
        General Merchandise Retailers
               offer a variety of product lines stocked in
               considerable depth - broad product mix

               Department Stores
                    generally service oriented
                    organized into separate departments
                        housewares, cosmetics, apparel,...
                    Macy's, Sears
               Discount Stores
                    self-service, lower margins than Dept.
                    stores for higher volume
                    wide variety of products
                    Walmart, Target
               Convenience Stores
                    small, self-service, long hours, narrow
                    assortment of convenience products
                    large self-service stores, carry 
                    complete line of food products plus
                    consumer personal items
                    lower prices than neighborhood stores
                    very large stores, self-service
                    carry all the products of supermarkets 
                    plus other routinely purchased 
                    consumer products and services
               Warehouse Clubs (Buying Clubs)
                    large scale mass merchandising
                    low cost
                    members only
                    handle many brand  leader products
                    few services, mainly self-serve 
                    Sam's Club
      Specialty Retailers
          offer substantial assortments in a few
          product lines
                   Radio Shack
                   Gap Inc.
                   Home Depot. Lowes
                   Staples, Office Depot


The (U.S.) Retail Sales Report
        Released by: Census Bureau and Department
                             of Commerce
        Coverage: Previous months sales data
        Release Date: 13th of the month

    Indicator tracks $ value of physical merchandise
    sold within retail trade (uses sampling)
    Includes companies of all sizes, from Walmart
    to independent small- town businesses.
    Retail sales considered a coincident indicator - 
    activity reflects current state of the economy
    Also considered a key pre-inflationary indicator

    Has two components:
           1. Total sales figure ( and % change from 
               previous month 
           2. "Ex-autos" figure due to large ticket
               price and known seasonality



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