Saturday, November 5, 2011

Personal Selling

  Paid personal communication - informs, 
  persuades customers to buy products

     1.0 Advantages
               - freedom to adjust message
               - focus on most promising prospects

     2.0 Disadvantage
               - cost
                    ( generally most expensive of 
                      the  promotion mix elements)

     3.0 Primary Objectives
               - identify potential buyers
               - convince prospects to buy
               - keep customers satisfied

     4.0 Personal Selling Process
              (1) Prospecting
                      a. develop potential customer list
                             - referrals,databases, web,
                               personal (WOM), associates
                      b. evaluate list and prioritize
                             - able,willing,authorized to buy
                             - when can they buy
             (2) Prospect Analysis
                      - needs, preferences, decider, ...
             (3) Contact Prospect
                     - referal, direct mail, cold call,
                       networking, web, ...
             (4) Presentation to Prospect
                    - attract and hold attention
                    - stimulate interest
                    - develop desire for product
                          "Elevator Speech"
                              quick summation of what your
                              company does and how it
                              benefits customers (30 sec.)
              (5) Overcome Objections
              (6) Close the Sale
              (7) Follow up

    5.0 Types of Sales Persons
              a. order getters
              b. order takers

    6.0 Types of Selling
              a. team selling
              b. relationship selling

Sales Promotion

      A  direct inducement offering added 
     value/incentive  for the product to stimulate:
          Resellers - Sales Persons- Consumer  

     Includes all promotional activities other than
     advertising - personal selling - publicity

     Usually combined with another promotional
     effort - advertising and/or personal selling

     1.0 Positive point
               - can increase sales

     2.0 Negative point
               - can affect Brand Image if excessive

     3.0 Two main types
               a. Consumer sales
               b. Trade sales

     4.0 Consumer sales promotion tools
               coupons - demonstrations - rebates
               frequent user - free samples - contests

     5.0 Trade sales promotion tools
              sales contest - cooperative advertising
              dealer listing - buying allowance
              premium money

     6.0 Factors to consider when selecting sales
           promotion methods
              a. organization objectives
              b. characteristics of the product
              c. characteristics of target market
              d. how product is distributed
              e. competitive situation
              f. legal environment



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