Sunday, November 6, 2011

Integrated Marketing Communications

     Coordination of all promotional efforts to send a consistent
     message to the consumer

          communicates favorable information about organization and 
          product to potential buyers

          informs - persuades - reminds

          primary role is to stimulate demand

                 advertising - personal selling - sales promotion
                 - public relations 

                 - create awareness
                 - stimulate demand
                 - inform
                 - identify prospects
                 - encourage product trial
                 - retain loyal customers
                 - counter competitive promotion
                 - facilitate reseller support
                 - reduce sales fluctuations

          Promotion Mix Elements (4)
                  Personal Selling
                  Sales Promotion
                  Public Relations

          Selecting Promotion Mix Elements
                  1. Promotion Budget
                         - how much money is available
                         - can determine what mix elements can be used

                  2. Organization Objective
                         - create awareness ?
                         - stimulate demand ?
                         - counter competitive promotion ?
                         ( see objectives list above )

                  3. Target Market Characteristics
                        - demographics
                        - size
                        - location/concentration
                        - behavior/lifestyle

                  4. Product Characteristics
                        - organization/consumer
                        - seasonal
                        - service product
                        - commodity
                        - technical

                  5. Price
                        - low price
                        - high price/ very high price
                        - introductory price
                        - phasing out price

                  6. Distribution 
                        - intensive
                        - limited
                        - exclusive

                   7. Product Life Cycle Stage
                        introductory - growth - maturity - decline

                   8. Organization Stage
                         - start-up
                         - growing
                         - mature

                   9. Organization Type
                         - producer
                         - reseller
                         - institutional
                         - government

     Word of Mouth Communication 

           personal, informal exchanges where customers share 
           information about products, brands, companies

           user generated content

           more people are going online to give and share opinions
           on products, brands, companies

           Electronic Word of Mouth

                   Social Media - a web technology application links
                   people to networks that allows rapid exchange of 
                   user generated information

                   Social Media marketing programs try to create content
                   that attracts attention and encourages readers to share 
                   with their social network

                   The message resonates because it appears to come 
                   from a trusted third party as opposed to a company

                   Marketers still trying to find most effective use of
                   Social Media - still a developing category 

                   Site like Twitter and Facebook (channels) have made
                   entry easy

                   Viral Marketing
                    Purpose is to facilitate and encourage people to pass
                    along a marketing message. Needs a high pass - along
                    Goal is to create a viral message  that appeals to
                    individuals with high social networking potential with
                    a high potential of spreading the word in a short time.

                    Buzz Marketing
                    Viral marketing technique that attempts to make each
                    encounter with a consumer appear to be a unique
                    spontaneous exchange of information. 
                    Goal is to  find  those who are heavy influencers of 
                    their peers. They create a sophisticated WOM 
                    campaign that is adopted by flattered consumers who
                    are willing to spread the word

                    WOM - a rapidly developing communication tool that 
                    can work both ways for the organization


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