Sunday, November 6, 2011

     paid form of communications -uses mass media  

     Why advertise ?  To stimulate sales!

   Types of Advertising
       institutional - advocacy - product - pioneer - competitive
       comparative - reminder - reinforcement

   Advertising Campaign   
       1. Identify the target audience
               - all or part of the target market
               - the focus of advertisements
               - analyze demographics, behavior, ...

       2. Define advertising objectives 
               a. sales 
                       $'s, %, market share
               b. communications
                       increase awareness, change attitudes, ...

       3. Create advertising platform
               - advertiser selling points
               - target audience issues, benefits 

       4. Determine advertising appropriation 

       5. Develop media plan 
               - analyze demographics, location, media behavior of        
                 target audience
               - select media to be used
                     primary goal - reach largest # of people in
                                                 the target audience
                     secondary goal - achieve appropriate message 
                                                 reach and frequency for target
                                                 audience (TA)
                         reach - % of consumers in TA exposed to adv. 
                                     in a stated period
                         frequency - # of times consumers in TA exposed to
                                            the adv.
              - establish the media schedule
                    continuous - flighting - pulsing

     6. Create advertising message 
             content and form depend on several factors
                - advertising campaign platform
                - product use, benefits, features
                - target audience characteristics
                - campaign objectives
                - media used

     7. Evaluate campaign effectiveness
                sales objectives - change in $'s,%, market share, ... ?
                communications objectives - increased awareness,
                                            brand recognition, ...?

Public Relations
     communicate favorable image of organization, product,
     person and to promote goodwill

    PR Tools

      1. Information materials
            web sites - brochures - newsletters - annual reports - ...

      2. Organization identity materials
            logos - business cards - stationary - signage - ...

      3. Speeches

      4. Event sponsorship
      5. Charitable works/donations

      6. Publicity
             about organization, product, people, event, ...

                  no charge - news story form - mass medium

            Publicity vehicles
                  news release
                  feature article
                  captioned photo
                  press conference

          Use PR programs for positive and negative events



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