Sunday, November 13, 2011

    activities that make products available to customers
     when, where and in the right quantity they want to 
     purchase them


   The Supply Chain
         a system of organizations, technology, activities, people,
         information, and resources involved in moving a product 
         from supplier to customer.
         (* A Marketing Channel is part of the Supply Chain )

         activities include transforming natural resources, raw 
         materials and components into a  finished product 

                                           Manufacturer                *

                                           Wholesaler                    *

                                            Retailer                        *

                                            Customer                     *

       Three main functional flows of the Supply Chain

                   Physical ( raw materials, components, product)



   Supply Chain Management
         coordinates and integrates *key business processes of
         supply chain organizations from supplier to manufacturer
         to wholesaler to retailer to customer

         The *key business processes:

                   Physical flow
                   Information flow
                   Financial flow

                  Primary Objective
                         fulfill customer needs by the most efficient 
                         use of Distribution resources 

                         make product available at the right time, 
                         the right place and in the right quantity

                         Another take:
                               match demand with supply with minimum          
                               inventory and cost

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