Monday, November 14, 2011

"New Kid" on the Marketing Block
           ( Re:11/13/11 Article D&C)

Organizations looking more to online to reach potential customers to tell their stories and define their brands

Audience is shifting where it is spending time ( iPhone, iPad, computer) so organizations have to switch

Online social media, multimedia storytelling, games, interactive websites moving in with traditional media advertising platforms (print, TV, ...) to reach the customer

Cokes social media experiment in 2010
Sent three 20+ folks on trip around the world to visit every country where coke is sold. "Expedition 206" asked people, "What makes you happy? "
In 1 year they visited 185 countries, posted 400 videos on Coke's YouTube channel and constant posts on Facebook and Twitter social pages.
The idea was to create "Buzz" about the project and indirectly about Coke 

 In 2010  $ 80B spent globally on online advertising ( up 17% over 2009)
Online advertising is 16% of the $ 496B global advertising market

Online marketing and branding changing rapidly due to growth of mobile mobile personal communication devices ( smart phones, tablet computers, ...)

Organizations are trying to find right balance of marketing tools

Companies now trying to engage customers instead of talking to them. Social interaction becoming a key ingredient for marketing and branding campaigns

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