Sunday, November 27, 2011

    - a consumer market distribution channel 
    - an organization (retailer) buys products from
      firms and sells them directly to consumers
    - a retailer is a reseller in the marketing channel
            over 1,100,000 retailers in the U.S.

Retail Industry
    - second largest industry in the U.S.
           12 % of U.S. employment
           $ 4.2T in annual sales
    - 90% of retail stores are single-store businesses
       but account for less than half of retail sales
    - majority of revenue generated by companies 
      that run retail chains
    - biggest retailer in the world is Walmart 
      $344B in revenue last year
             operates a chain of discount wholesale 
             stores emphasizing low prices

 Retail Sales and the Economy
    - important *economic indicator, gives glimpse 
      into  U.S. Gross Domestic Product number
      ( which indicates how fast economy is
      growing or shrinking)
          *consumer spending makes up about 70% of      

Retailer Benefits to Customers and Suppliers

    Customers - ability to purchase small quantities
                        of wide assortment of products at
                        reasonable prices
    Suppliers - opportunities to reach target market
                       with right products at the right time,
                       build demand, provide customer 

Key Issues for Retailers

    Customer Satisfaction - develop strategies that 
             bring the customers back
    Acquire the Right Products - identify what 
             customer want, negotiate with 
             suppliers to obtain products on time
    Product Cycle - new innovated products
             released with high prices to maximize
             profits early on ( flat panel HDTV, 
             updated iPads) - has created highly 
             competitive situation among retailers        
    Product Presentation - present products to 
             customers in a way to generate interest
    Traffic Building - use promotional methods to
             build interest 
                                a. people visiting the store
                                b. visits to the website
    Layout - store physical layout important in 
             creating a retail "experience" that will
             attract customers
             Online "layout" where site navigation
             and usability could make difference in
             site success
    Location - well placed stores, high visibility,          
             easy access can generate more traffic
             and be highly valuable
             must project appealing image to attract
             must understand the trade-off between 
             cost and benefits of a location
             neighborhood, community, regional
             shopping centers
            identifying unserved or underserved 
            market segment - serve it with strategy to
            distinguish from other retailers in mind
            of consumer 
    Keeping Pace with Technology - technology has
             changed all areas of retailing:  
                  - customer knowledge
                  - product movement
                  - point of purchase
                  - web technologies

            - internet allows consumers to shop and 
              purchase online 
            - now traditional retailers sell products on
              their own website
            - currently represents 3% of total retail 
              industry revenue - growth is steady
            - more widespread use expected as more     
              internet-savvy customers enter the market

    Target Markets Served by Retailers
            Mass Market
            Specialty Market
            Exclusive Market

    Pricing Strategy
            Discount Pricing
            Competitive Pricing
            Full Price Pricing
                ( name the target market associated with
                  the pricing strategies above )

    Promotional Focus
                 traditional media
                 internet for retailers selling online
            Direct Mail
                 catalog retailers
                 small local companies
            Personal Selling
                 expensive, high end products

    Major Types of Retail Stores

        Two General Categories 
               1. General Merchandise Retailers
               2. Specialty Retailers
        General Merchandise Retailers
               offer a variety of product lines stocked in
               considerable depth - broad product mix

               Department Stores
                    generally service oriented
                    organized into separate departments
                        housewares, cosmetics, apparel,...
                    Macy's, Sears
               Discount Stores
                    self-service, lower margins than Dept.
                    stores for higher volume
                    wide variety of products
                    Walmart, Target
               Convenience Stores
                    small, self-service, long hours, narrow
                    assortment of convenience products
                    large self-service stores, carry 
                    complete line of food products plus
                    consumer personal items
                    lower prices than neighborhood stores
                    very large stores, self-service
                    carry all the products of supermarkets 
                    plus other routinely purchased 
                    consumer products and services
               Warehouse Clubs (Buying Clubs)
                    large scale mass merchandising
                    low cost
                    members only
                    handle many brand  leader products
                    few services, mainly self-serve 
                    Sam's Club
      Specialty Retailers
          offer substantial assortments in a few
          product lines
                   Radio Shack
                   Gap Inc.
                   Home Depot. Lowes
                   Staples, Office Depot


The (U.S.) Retail Sales Report
        Released by: Census Bureau and Department
                             of Commerce
        Coverage: Previous months sales data
        Release Date: 13th of the month

    Indicator tracks $ value of physical merchandise
    sold within retail trade (uses sampling)
    Includes companies of all sizes, from Walmart
    to independent small- town businesses.
    Retail sales considered a coincident indicator - 
    activity reflects current state of the economy
    Also considered a key pre-inflationary indicator

    Has two components:
           1. Total sales figure ( and % change from 
               previous month 
           2. "Ex-autos" figure due to large ticket
               price and known seasonality



Tuesday, November 15, 2011


   Target Market Selection ( market segmentation approach)

         1. Identify segments of the overall market for personal
              sized (16.9 Fl. oz.) bottled water using consumer 
              segmentation variables and specific needs that are similar

            demographic - geographic - behavioristic - psychographic
        2. Chose the segment (s) that fit best with the organizations
             goals and objectives. 
                  large enough ? growing ? support company mission ?

             This is/are the target market(s)
         3. Develop a marketing strategy with a marketing mix that             
             appeals to the target market(s)
                    product - price - promotion - distribution

   Marketing Research Project 

          Describe a project to be completed by the end of year 1 that
          will provide relevant information for the year 2 plan

                   Market Share
                   Cash Flow

                   New Product


Monday, November 14, 2011

"New Kid" on the Marketing Block
           ( Re:11/13/11 Article D&C)

Organizations looking more to online to reach potential customers to tell their stories and define their brands

Audience is shifting where it is spending time ( iPhone, iPad, computer) so organizations have to switch

Online social media, multimedia storytelling, games, interactive websites moving in with traditional media advertising platforms (print, TV, ...) to reach the customer

Cokes social media experiment in 2010
Sent three 20+ folks on trip around the world to visit every country where coke is sold. "Expedition 206" asked people, "What makes you happy? "
In 1 year they visited 185 countries, posted 400 videos on Coke's YouTube channel and constant posts on Facebook and Twitter social pages.
The idea was to create "Buzz" about the project and indirectly about Coke 

 In 2010  $ 80B spent globally on online advertising ( up 17% over 2009)
Online advertising is 16% of the $ 496B global advertising market

Online marketing and branding changing rapidly due to growth of mobile mobile personal communication devices ( smart phones, tablet computers, ...)

Organizations are trying to find right balance of marketing tools

Companies now trying to engage customers instead of talking to them. Social interaction becoming a key ingredient for marketing and branding campaigns

Sunday, November 13, 2011

    activities that make products available to customers
     when, where and in the right quantity they want to 
     purchase them


   The Supply Chain
         a system of organizations, technology, activities, people,
         information, and resources involved in moving a product 
         from supplier to customer.
         (* A Marketing Channel is part of the Supply Chain )

         activities include transforming natural resources, raw 
         materials and components into a  finished product 

                                           Manufacturer                *

                                           Wholesaler                    *

                                            Retailer                        *

                                            Customer                     *

       Three main functional flows of the Supply Chain

                   Physical ( raw materials, components, product)



   Supply Chain Management
         coordinates and integrates *key business processes of
         supply chain organizations from supplier to manufacturer
         to wholesaler to retailer to customer

         The *key business processes:

                   Physical flow
                   Information flow
                   Financial flow

                  Primary Objective
                         fulfill customer needs by the most efficient 
                         use of Distribution resources 

                         make product available at the right time, 
                         the right place and in the right quantity

                         Another take:
                               match demand with supply with minimum          
                               inventory and cost

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Integrated Marketing Communications

     Coordination of all promotional efforts to send a consistent
     message to the consumer

          communicates favorable information about organization and 
          product to potential buyers

          informs - persuades - reminds

          primary role is to stimulate demand

                 advertising - personal selling - sales promotion
                 - public relations 

                 - create awareness
                 - stimulate demand
                 - inform
                 - identify prospects
                 - encourage product trial
                 - retain loyal customers
                 - counter competitive promotion
                 - facilitate reseller support
                 - reduce sales fluctuations

          Promotion Mix Elements (4)
                  Personal Selling
                  Sales Promotion
                  Public Relations

          Selecting Promotion Mix Elements
                  1. Promotion Budget
                         - how much money is available
                         - can determine what mix elements can be used

                  2. Organization Objective
                         - create awareness ?
                         - stimulate demand ?
                         - counter competitive promotion ?
                         ( see objectives list above )

                  3. Target Market Characteristics
                        - demographics
                        - size
                        - location/concentration
                        - behavior/lifestyle

                  4. Product Characteristics
                        - organization/consumer
                        - seasonal
                        - service product
                        - commodity
                        - technical

                  5. Price
                        - low price
                        - high price/ very high price
                        - introductory price
                        - phasing out price

                  6. Distribution 
                        - intensive
                        - limited
                        - exclusive

                   7. Product Life Cycle Stage
                        introductory - growth - maturity - decline

                   8. Organization Stage
                         - start-up
                         - growing
                         - mature

                   9. Organization Type
                         - producer
                         - reseller
                         - institutional
                         - government

     Word of Mouth Communication 

           personal, informal exchanges where customers share 
           information about products, brands, companies

           user generated content

           more people are going online to give and share opinions
           on products, brands, companies

           Electronic Word of Mouth

                   Social Media - a web technology application links
                   people to networks that allows rapid exchange of 
                   user generated information

                   Social Media marketing programs try to create content
                   that attracts attention and encourages readers to share 
                   with their social network

                   The message resonates because it appears to come 
                   from a trusted third party as opposed to a company

                   Marketers still trying to find most effective use of
                   Social Media - still a developing category 

                   Site like Twitter and Facebook (channels) have made
                   entry easy

                   Viral Marketing
                    Purpose is to facilitate and encourage people to pass
                    along a marketing message. Needs a high pass - along
                    Goal is to create a viral message  that appeals to
                    individuals with high social networking potential with
                    a high potential of spreading the word in a short time.

                    Buzz Marketing
                    Viral marketing technique that attempts to make each
                    encounter with a consumer appear to be a unique
                    spontaneous exchange of information. 
                    Goal is to  find  those who are heavy influencers of 
                    their peers. They create a sophisticated WOM 
                    campaign that is adopted by flattered consumers who
                    are willing to spread the word

                    WOM - a rapidly developing communication tool that 
                    can work both ways for the organization


     paid form of communications -uses mass media  

     Why advertise ?  To stimulate sales!

   Types of Advertising
       institutional - advocacy - product - pioneer - competitive
       comparative - reminder - reinforcement

   Advertising Campaign   
       1. Identify the target audience
               - all or part of the target market
               - the focus of advertisements
               - analyze demographics, behavior, ...

       2. Define advertising objectives 
               a. sales 
                       $'s, %, market share
               b. communications
                       increase awareness, change attitudes, ...

       3. Create advertising platform
               - advertiser selling points
               - target audience issues, benefits 

       4. Determine advertising appropriation 

       5. Develop media plan 
               - analyze demographics, location, media behavior of        
                 target audience
               - select media to be used
                     primary goal - reach largest # of people in
                                                 the target audience
                     secondary goal - achieve appropriate message 
                                                 reach and frequency for target
                                                 audience (TA)
                         reach - % of consumers in TA exposed to adv. 
                                     in a stated period
                         frequency - # of times consumers in TA exposed to
                                            the adv.
              - establish the media schedule
                    continuous - flighting - pulsing

     6. Create advertising message 
             content and form depend on several factors
                - advertising campaign platform
                - product use, benefits, features
                - target audience characteristics
                - campaign objectives
                - media used

     7. Evaluate campaign effectiveness
                sales objectives - change in $'s,%, market share, ... ?
                communications objectives - increased awareness,
                                            brand recognition, ...?

Public Relations
     communicate favorable image of organization, product,
     person and to promote goodwill

    PR Tools

      1. Information materials
            web sites - brochures - newsletters - annual reports - ...

      2. Organization identity materials
            logos - business cards - stationary - signage - ...

      3. Speeches

      4. Event sponsorship
      5. Charitable works/donations

      6. Publicity
             about organization, product, people, event, ...

                  no charge - news story form - mass medium

            Publicity vehicles
                  news release
                  feature article
                  captioned photo
                  press conference

          Use PR programs for positive and negative events



Saturday, November 5, 2011

Personal Selling

  Paid personal communication - informs, 
  persuades customers to buy products

     1.0 Advantages
               - freedom to adjust message
               - focus on most promising prospects

     2.0 Disadvantage
               - cost
                    ( generally most expensive of 
                      the  promotion mix elements)

     3.0 Primary Objectives
               - identify potential buyers
               - convince prospects to buy
               - keep customers satisfied

     4.0 Personal Selling Process
              (1) Prospecting
                      a. develop potential customer list
                             - referrals,databases, web,
                               personal (WOM), associates
                      b. evaluate list and prioritize
                             - able,willing,authorized to buy
                             - when can they buy
             (2) Prospect Analysis
                      - needs, preferences, decider, ...
             (3) Contact Prospect
                     - referal, direct mail, cold call,
                       networking, web, ...
             (4) Presentation to Prospect
                    - attract and hold attention
                    - stimulate interest
                    - develop desire for product
                          "Elevator Speech"
                              quick summation of what your
                              company does and how it
                              benefits customers (30 sec.)
              (5) Overcome Objections
              (6) Close the Sale
              (7) Follow up

    5.0 Types of Sales Persons
              a. order getters
              b. order takers

    6.0 Types of Selling
              a. team selling
              b. relationship selling

Sales Promotion

      A  direct inducement offering added 
     value/incentive  for the product to stimulate:
          Resellers - Sales Persons- Consumer  

     Includes all promotional activities other than
     advertising - personal selling - publicity

     Usually combined with another promotional
     effort - advertising and/or personal selling

     1.0 Positive point
               - can increase sales

     2.0 Negative point
               - can affect Brand Image if excessive

     3.0 Two main types
               a. Consumer sales
               b. Trade sales

     4.0 Consumer sales promotion tools
               coupons - demonstrations - rebates
               frequent user - free samples - contests

     5.0 Trade sales promotion tools
              sales contest - cooperative advertising
              dealer listing - buying allowance
              premium money

     6.0 Factors to consider when selecting sales
           promotion methods
              a. organization objectives
              b. characteristics of the product
              c. characteristics of target market
              d. how product is distributed
              e. competitive situation
              f. legal environment



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Product  Positioning

Consumer behavior is guided by their perception of reality

Positioning is creating and maintaining a certain favorable perception in the consumers mind about a product compared to the competition 

Strong positions are created through consistent advertising and PR
Some Positioning Strategies

      Product features/benefits
                  Tylenol - " more powerful but safer " than aspirin

      Consumer's reason for buying the product
                   Yogurt - "more healthful"

      Product Price and Quality
                    ( high price sometimes acts as a signal for quality)
                    Mercedes autos
                    Grey Goose vodka

      Product specific use

      Product User
                    Celebrity user of product

                         (don't challenge leaders head on)
Steps to Establish a Proper Position

       1. SWOT analysis
                     Market Threats and Opportunities
                     Organization Strengths and Weaknesses 
       2. Analyze the target market
                     characteristics, needs, size, growth, ...
       3. Analyze competition ( strengths - weaknesses)
       4. Economic trends
       5. Develop the marketing mix
       6. Develop a Brand (name)
       7. Determine how you want to be perceived by 
           target market
       8. Create a positioning message
       9. Strong, sustained promotion and PR


"The Battle for Your Mind"       Ries & Trout   1981
    (a recognized marketing classic)

Positioning now a key aspect of Marketing Communications

Some Key Points from the book

    Information Overload
        Consumers bombarded with continuous stream of product        
        So concept is to position product in mind of consumer
        The mind reacts to high ad volume by accepting only what
        is consistent with prior knowledge or experience
           Advertiser - present simplified message
                             - focus on perceptions of consumer and not
                               product reality

    Getting into the Consumers Mind
         Be First !
             e.g. Miller Lite not the first light beer but was first to be
                    positioned as a light beer ( complete with name)

                    7-Up   #3 behind Coke and Pepsi but established 
                    the drink as the #1 alternative - "The Uncola"

                    Xerox - the first in the plain paper copier market

   Position of a Leader
         Brand success not due to marketing acumen of the company !
         It is because the company was first in the product category
                    Xerox - first in plain paper copier market
                                 IBM couldn't compete
                                 Xerox in other markets (not first)

   Power of a Name
         Brand's name perhaps most important factor affecting 
         consumer perception and positioning of the product
         Use "descriptive" words 
         e.g.  "Die Hard" - batteries   "People" - gossip magazine
                 " Head and Shoulders" - shampoo
                 " Close Up" - toothpaste

        Usually used for improvement of existing products 

       physically change product
       change price
       change distribution
       change image through promotion
       change the target market

Pricing - Does it all start with Positioning ?

       Pricing and positioning are inseparable

       Don't price until you figure out the position your product will      
       have in the market

       Ask these four questions:

            Who are your competitors ?

            How is your product different from your competitors ?
                 Differentiation is critical but using low  prices as
                 the primary differentiator is fatal

            How do you want to be known in the market ?
                 Describe the position you want to have in terms  of
                 how you want your target market to perceive you

            What are the prices of your competitor products ?
                 What price range is consistent with the perception you
                 want your target market to have of your product

        Put yourself in the shoes of your customer. Figure out how
        much your product is worth to them