Friday, October 7, 2011

 Marketing  222  Key Points

  • Two Essential Elements of a Marketing Strategy                  

                  Target Market          Marketing Mix

  • Target Market
              The group that marketing creates a specific 
              marketing mix for to satisfy their product needs - 
              The group that marketing focuses all activities on

  • Four components of the Marketing Mix
Product          Price         Promotion       Distribution 

  • Organization SWOT analysis
               Internal - Strengths and Weaknesses
               External - Opportunities and Threats

  • The six Marketing Environmental Forces
               Competition     Economic     Political     Technological

               Legal/Regulatory     Sociocultural
  • Organization Mission Statement
               Long term view of organization goals/objectives
               State in terms of:
               The target market - the product - product uniqueness

  • Marketing Research
               Collecting, analyzing and reporting information to help 
               make marketing decisions

               Used to identify and help solve marketing problems,
               and identify opportunities and threats
  • Marketing Research Process
             1. Identify the problem    2. Design the project
             3. Collect data     4. Interpret data    5. Report findings

  • Marketing Research Data
             Primary Data - gathered specifically for a project
                                        ( surveys, ...) 
             Secondary Data - already exists (internet, publications, 
                                           ... ) in some form

  • What are markets ?
             Individuals or organizations with: need - ability to buy             
             - willingness to buy - authority to buy

  • Two major types of markets 
             Consumer          Organizational

  • Market Segmentation
             Process of dividing the total market into groups
             {segments) with similar characteristics & product needs

  • Market Segment
            Group with one or more similar characteristics
            with similar product needs

  • Consumer Market Segmentation Variables
           Demographic - age,gender,income,education, ...
           Geographic - region,urban,suburbanrural, ...
           Psychographic - lifestyle, motives, ...
           Behavioristic - brand loyalty, benefit expectations, ...
  • Organizational Market Segmentation Variables
           Type of Organization
           Customer Size
           Product Use 
  • Targeting Strategies 
           Total market (undifferentiated)
           One segment of the market (concentrated)
           Multiple segments of the market (differentiated)

  • Target Market Selection ( segmentation approach)
           1. Identify the segments of the overall market for your
               product using segmentation variables and specific needs
                         consumer - age, income, lifestyle,...
                         organizational - type of business, size, ...

           2. Chose the segment(s) that best fit with organization
               goals and objectives

                   This is /are the target market(s)

  • Product
           Can be a:      Good - Service - Idea

           Two major classes:     Consumer - Business 

       Consumer Product Classifications               

       Product Life Cycle                          
           4 Stages:     introduction - growth - maturity - decline

           sales/profits/ marketing mix differ in each stage

       Product Brand
          name, term, symbol, design intended to clearly identify
          and differentiate a seller's product from a competitors

          brands developed by consistent advertising  and PR
          Three levels of loyalty:
                     Brand recognition - weakest
                     Brand preference - will take a substitute
                     Brand insistence - strongest, no substitutes

       Product Differentiation
           Create and design products so customers perceive them
           as different ( and better) than competitors

           Elements to consider:
                                Support Services

      Product Positioning
           Creating and maintaining a favorable perception in the
           consumers mind about a product compared to the 

           Strong positions are created and maintained through        
           consistent advertising and PR ( and WOM ?)

           The primary elements of positioning a product are:
                  price      low-middle or high
                  quality   well designed,well produced, features 
                  service   product customized or personalized 
                  distribution   channel used is key element
                  packaging    good packaging makes a strong statement                

           Use positioning as part of competitive strategy

           Identify your strongest strength and use it to position
           your product
  • Price
        Price Competition - match or beat competitors
                                          - should be low cost seller

           Nonprice Competition - emphasize product features, 
                                                   quality, service, ...
                                                 - promote brand and positioning

           Classic Demand Curve - when price falls, demand goes up
                                                    and the reverse

           Pricing Objectives
                        - survival
                        - profit
                        - return on investment
                        - market share
                        - cash flow
                        - status quo
                        - product quality

           Pricing Strategies
                        - differential
                        - new product
                        - product line
                        - psychological
                        - promotional

  •    Promotion
        Four Elements of the Promotion Mix
                        - advertising
                        - public relations
                        - personal selling
                        - sales promotion

                        - a paid form of communication
                        - conveys information about product/business
                        - directed at a specific group ( target audience}
                        - uses mass media
                        - purpose is to to inform, persuade,motivate

                  Target Audience - the group the ad campaign wants
                                                  to reach (part of or the total 
                                                  target market)

                  Basic objective of Advertising:
                      Help sell the product/organization to the customer

                      Some specific reasons to advertise
                           - introduce new product 
                           - promote new  product to a target audience
                           - build new business image
                           - make public aware of new company/product
                           - show differences with competitive products
              Public Relations   
                       - communicate favorable image of organization,
                         product, person, idea, ... and promote goodwill
                       - tools
                             event sponsorship
                             charitable works
                             corporate identity materials
                             Social Media

  •   Distribution
               Marketing Distribution Channel
                       - directs flow of products from producer to
              Consumer Marketing Channels Strategies
                        producer - consumer
                        producer - retailer - consumer
                        producer - wholesaler - retailer - consumer

              Major role of Marketing Channel
                       make products available for consumer at:
                            right time - place - quantity

              Consumer Product Market  Distribution Coverage
                       intensive - all available outlets
                                         (convenience products)
                       selective - few outlets
                                         ( shopping products )
                       exclusive - limited outlets
                                         ( specialty products )


  • Some ways to deal with the Competition
            - price
            - service
            - quality
            - distribution
            - promotion
            - positioning
  • So - What is Marketing ?
         identify - satisfy - keep customers and satisfy the goals
            and objectives of the organization

            management process responsible for identifying, 
            anticipating and satisfying the customer needs profitably

           management process that moves goods and services from
           concept to the customer. It consists of selecting a
           target market and developing a marketing mix ( product -
           price - promotion - distribution) to satisfy the customer         

           marketing consists of the strategy and tactics used to 
           identify, create and maintain satisfying relationships with
           customers that results in value for the customer and the 




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